Research blog by Ricardo Sosa on innovation and design, societal factors of creativity, diffusion of innovations, creative destruction, resistance to change, systemic creativity, sustainability, etc...

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Ubuntu brainstorm

Here is a fantastic example of creative collaboration online: "Ubuntu Brainstorm":

From the site:
  1. What is Ubuntu Brainstorm?
    It is a place that let people brainstorm constructive ideas about Ubuntu, and evaluate each other. Popular ideas are then reviewed by Ubuntu developers, and may have an impact on the future of Ubuntu.
  2. How does it work?
    An idea is the combinaison of a rationale (the raison d'ĂȘtre of the idea) and a solution (the proposed way to solve the problem). Users can either post brand new ideas, or propose solutions to existing idea rationales. Solutions can then be evaluated by everyone by voting for or against them, and the most popular ones get reviewed by Ubuntu developers.
  3. What is the "Idea sandbox" area?
    This area contains all the ideas that were marked by moderators as not following the guidelines, plus the newly submitted ideas that are awaiting moderator approval before going to the "popular ideas" area.
  4. What is the "Popular ideas" area?
    This area contains all the approved ideas submitted by users. On this area only can ideas be voted. The most popular ideas usually get some feedback from the developers.
  5. What is the "Ideas in development" area?
    This area contains all the ideas that have been marked as being in development by developers and moderators. They can be browsed by target release.
  6. What is the "Implemented ideas" area?
    This area contains all the ideas that have been marked as implemented by the developers and moderators. They can be browsed by target release.

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