Research blog by Ricardo Sosa on innovation and design, societal factors of creativity, diffusion of innovations, creative destruction, resistance to change, systemic creativity, sustainability, etc...

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Complex Systems Innovation

It's somewhat interesting to see the different interpretations of "complex systems" used in design & engineering. This paper by Bar-Yam(pdf) from the NE Complex Systems Institute provides points for analysis and discussion.
Here I will only say that complexity in design need not be limited to "large-scale projects" such as the design & construction of the Oasis of the Seas (the largest cruise ship in history). I'd actually say that there is little complexity in such projects; arguably lots of difficulties (complicated) but not so complex since the result is by no means emergent, but entirely planned and centrally coordinated in pre-defined hierarchies, etc.
Instead, I would argue that the design of a 'simple' ceramic pot made by a handcraft expert can be seen as a complex design project. Perhaps it involves simple materials, simple tools, simple processes, but it does contain a deep and wide scope of cultural, social and historical meanings that make it an irreducible system.

Further reading on Complex Systems Engineering:

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