Research blog by Ricardo Sosa on innovation and design, societal factors of creativity, diffusion of innovations, creative destruction, resistance to change, systemic creativity, sustainability, etc...

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Probably the most influential innovation myth

Everyone seems to enjoy listing their "10 innovation myths". Here is my first one: "There are 10 innovation myths":

But this one is not only true, it's one of the most pervasive myths in innovation:
"We will win with superior technology. Most market disruptions rest on innovative business models — new ways to create, capture, or deliver value"
From my own viewpoint, sometimes (but not many) superior technology does make the difference. Other times, novel revenue models are indeed important. And yet other times, meaning is what matters most. But true innovations happen when all three dimensions of a product/service are novel: technology, business and design.


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